How is Vaave’s Alumni Management Software Different from LinkedIn Alumni Tool?

LinkedIn is a social media platform designed for working professionals and students to build connections and look for new job and internship opportunities. LinkedIn also developed an alumni tool, a dedicated alma mater page for alumni where they can find their peers, teachers, and friends with restricted search filters.

While LinkedIn can be leveraged to connect with alumni, it is not programmed from the institution’s perspective. This tool lacks the ability and misses out on the essential features that help institutions with full-fledged alumni management solution capabilities and doesn’t promote wholesome alumni engagement. 

Vaave’s alumni management platform provides extensive search and filtering capabilities far superior to LinkedIn’s tool and offers some of the important features integral for your institution’s alumni networking and management.

Here’s How Vaave’s Alumni Management Platform Helps Your Institution With Effective Alumni Networking

1. Vaave’s Solution

Vaave’s alumni management solution helps Institutions do the following things effortlessly with our innovative and comprehensive alumni management solution:

  • Easy & Efficient Database Management

  • Easy Community & Member Management 

  • Meaningful Alumni Engagement  

2. Trust Factor

We believe a private, exclusive alumni platform that resonates with your institution’s values and objectives will encourage alumni to sign up easily. On the LinkedIn alumni tool, your institution’s page is just one among many other pages, making yours redundant. With easy sign-up workflows, it will be easy for your alumni to register on the portal.

Here are some of the features that emphasize that we prioritize your alumni portal’s identity, safety, and security:

  • An alumni platform on the institution’s subdomain.

  • Fully configured and customizable homepage designs.

  • Members registering will be prior-approved by the admin.

  • Alumni can also be verified by their trusted peers/batchmates.

  • Secure Network and privacy by design.

3. Partner Ecosystem

Vaave’s partner ecosystem has the unique advantage of keeping alumni connected and engaged with their alma mater. We are entirely focused on creating value add-ons for all the stakeholders of the alumni community, which makes them come back and stay connected.

Below listed are some benefits that can be tailored according to your institution in incentivizing alumni to always stay in touch with their alma mater:

  • Bringing job opportunities for alumni and students.

  • Providing internships for students.

  • Assisting women alumni to restart their careers.

  • Facilitating various learning options for students and alumni. 

  • Connecting with alumni through location-based chapters and Special Interest Groups that can amplify local alumni community-building efforts. 

4. Key Highlights Which Differentiate Vaave From LinkedIn Alumni Tool

  • Career Center: A student mentoring platform where they have access to alumni experts from diverse industries.

  • Email Management: Send targeted and bulk communication at a go Eg: the Class Reunion of 2001 or Alumni Visits for alumni living in the Mumbai / North America region.

  • Monthly newsletters will be sent automatically.

  • Instant export of alumni data at any time as Database management for admin.

  • Automatic personalized Birthday wishes on behalf of the institution/alumni association.

  • Full-fledged jobs module with Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

  • #Spaces, an interactive product feature that boosts meaningful alumni engagement which increases Monthly Active Users (MAU) and helps in alumni database building.

  • Real-time alumni activity analytics.

  • Advanced Event Management Module: Host alumni events, create and share RSVP, set up event fees and many more!

  • Supporting institutions with fundraising capabilities and the ability to create campaigns along with integrated payment gateway.

Winding it Up

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform which can be leveraged to build connections but it’s not suitable for wholesome alumni engagement. Vaave offers a full-fledged alumni management solution that caters to all the institution’s needs while prioritizing your preferences. Our platform promotes meaningful alumni networking and has capabilities to reach your institution’s alumni engagement goals.

Vaave helps institutions and corporate entities across the globe in realizing the power of alumni and offers strategies for engaging them. We offer a full-fledged alumni management ecosystem that helps you to leverage alumni to its fullest.

Drop in your details at & +91 91006 88850, we will get in touch with you at the drop of a hat!