How Vaave Can Help Institutions With More Alumni Signups

Educational institutions generally invest in traditional methodologies like CMS/WordPress websites for content management, In-house solutions to build their websites, use Facebook & WhatsApp groups to engage alumni, and rely on Google Forms / Excel & Spreadsheets to collect and maintain alumni information. These tools are too rigid to handle ever-increasing alumni needs and after a certain point, these solutions become obsolete hampering your alumni engagement efforts. 

Most of the institutions using these conventional tools come to us with common pain points such as:

  • How to increase the institution’s alumni database and connect with missing alumni?
  • How can Vaave’s alumni management platform drive more alumni registrations when compared to existing solutions?
  • What role and support does Vaave offer in helping the institutions to get more alumni signups?

Here’s How Vaave helps with Alumni Signups & Ensures Members Keep Their Profiles Up-to-Date and Stay Connected

1. Creating Value Add-Ons For All the Stakeholders Involved

The alumni should have a strong connection with the institution to make them sign up. Providing value add-ons to your precious alumni is a great way to encourage them to register on the alumni portal. Offering necessary services to the alumni makes them feel heard. Vaave is completely focused on creating value add-ons for all the stakeholders of the alumni community, which makes them come back and stay connected.

  • Getting high-quality job opportunities for the alumni through the institution via alumni.

  • Getting internship opportunities to the current students by leveraging alumni.

  • Helping women alumni restart their careers.

  • Creating various learning opportunities that would be of interest to alumni such as upskilling sessions, technical discussions, workshops, and professional conferences.

  • #Spaces, an interactive product feature that boosts alumni engagement which increases Monthly Active Users (MAU) and helps in alumni database building.

2. High – Quality Product

Vaave’s alumni management solution can be configured and customized to resonate with your institution’s alumni engagement priorities. The product offers a seamless experience to users with an easy-to-use interface. The alumni platform can accommodate networks of any size eliminating concerns about data storage limitations, bandwidth constraints, and anticipated increasing costs for the institutions.

Vaave Magic – Secret Sauce for Alumni Database Building!

Vaave Magic is an AI-powered, collaborative alumni database-building solution that gives actionable insights into your alumni by automatically creating profiles from resumes/LinkedIn PDFs or LinkedIn public URL available data.

Why is Vaave Magic So Powerful?
  • Removes the resistance to sign up: Eliminates the need for the alumni to sign up manually. The profile can be built using the latest resume.

  • Collaborative Database Building: Amplify the efforts of building alumni profiles collaboratively with the help of coordinators & champions. For top alumni, the resumes could be downloaded from their LinkedIn Public Profiles/URLs.

  • Saves Time In Analyzing Data:  AI can easily analyze tons of alumni data which otherwise takes a lot of time. It integrates seamlessly with your existing alumni platform.
 Vaave Magic Features Which Promotes Registrations
  • Alumni can self-upload their profile through resumes/LinkedIn URLs during signups. 

  • Comprehensive AI Insights on each alumni profile such as experience, designation, higher studies, place of work and much more.

  • Admin can bulk upload the resumes/LinkedIn Public URLs which is efficient and avoids the tedious task of copying and pasting data for alumni staff.

  • Collaborative database building through gamifying the referral campaigns on WhatsApp Groups by sharing unique links with batch champions making it a fun, rewarding experience.
Increased Trust Factor
  • An alumni platform available on the institution’s subdomain imbibing familiarity and exclusivity among the institution and the alumni along with providing superior, customizable homepage designs.

  • Personalized invitations can be sent to the alumni on behalf of the institution.

  • Strong approval mechanisms for the new members to ensure integrity along with extensive roles, verifications, and permissions to filter spam & imposter profiles.

  • Peer verification mechanism for easy identification and admin verification purposes.

  • Secure Network and privacy by design. Vaave is ISO 27001 certified, GDPR and SOC 2 Type II compliant, conducts regular penetration testing, and is certified not to have any of the Top 10 Most Critical Web Application Security Risks by OWASP.
  Easy Signup Workflows Designed for Specific Purposes
  • The alumni portal provides the option of signing up on the web browser using the alumni’s email ID as well.

  • A complete user-friendly mobile app designed for the institution on Android & IOS where Alumni can scan, install, and easily sign up.

  • Along with these, the alumni can also sign up for the events being conducted by the institutions directly on the portal and by using QR codes eliminating the need to float separate registration forms for each event. 
   Enriching Features:
  • Sending automatic newsletters to the unregistered alumni with valid email addresses will increase monthly signups.

  • The members can easily update their profiles on the mobile app.

  • Profile nudges on the website and app prompt the alumni to maintain updated critical information in their profiles.

  • Vaave has all the templates, auto-reminders that encourage building & running campaigns for community building.

  • Extensive SEO keyword coverage such as Alumni Directory Indexing and addition of Meta Keywords on the alumni website for better SERP rankings and discoverability on the Google search engine.

  • The alumni can invite their unregistered peers onto the portal easily.

  • A mobile app for the institution available as “My Alumni Network” will be promoted on the institution’s name

  • Privileged access and features for registered/ Life (Paid) Members only.

  • The portal/app provides easy social sharing options such as Job Opportunities, Internships, and events to boost alumni registrations and relations.

3. Support Services

Vaave ensures that the institution’s alumni platform is up and running smoothly. We make sure that the institution has a hassle-free experience while moving on to their domain and the best user experience in the long run.

  • The institutions will receive complete go-live support from Vaave for their alumni websites/mobile apps.

  • We offer extensive support to import alumni data from existing sources like Excel & Spreadsheets, CSV files, and registration forms which help to build an alumni database.

  • Extensive migration support to send personalized email invitations for signups, identification of unverified & bounced email lists, and helping admin to take action.

  • Marketing kits to promote the database-building efforts and to support the launch of the alumni community.

  • Providing default alumni profile templates that the admin can use to encourage the alumni to maintain updated information.
Additional Hand Holding & Support – Professional Alumni Services using Vaave Magic
  1. Alumni database building by leveraging LinkedIn public data.

  2. Finding alumni (manual and updated) on the LinkedIn page of the institution. Eg: IIM Calcutta LinkedIn Page has 57,000+ alumni followers.

  3. Extracting alumni records of the institution.

  4. Cleansing alumni profile data.

  5. Complete alumni profile creation as per available LinkedIn public data.

  6. Seamless Integration into the alumni platform.

  7. Result: Get Actionable AI Insights on the alumni data such as Highest Education, Industry / Area of Expertise, Entrepreneurs, CXOs and Mentors.

  8. Personalized outreach to drive signups for the platform through activities like Targeted Email Marketing, Batch Volunteers & Campaign Champions Program, WhatsApp Messaging and LinkedIn Group Postings.

4. Vaave’s Domain Expertise & Knowledge Base

Vaave has established itself as the alumni domain expert by working with institutions across the globe over the last decade. We offer structured programmes which help institutions to come up with their own alumni engagement strategies and utilize alumni for placements, rankings, and admissions.

  • Alumni Leadership Program : A unique certification & ROI-driven program for alumni officers on how to engage alumni, build databases, develop institutions, and strengthen alumni relations.

  • Access to Vaave’s vast repository of clients, their success stories and best alumni practices along with Alumni Academy resources, our own knowledge bank.

  • Consulting services*.

* Provided additionally 


Vaave’s alumni management ecosystem is a comprehensive solution that aligns with your alumni engagement objectives. By providing a scalable & flexible platform, customization options, easy signup workflows, and data migration techniques, and other such features we see to it that your requirements are exceeded beyond your expectations. What makes our product best is that it is cost-effective, secure, and trusted by many educational entities scattered across the world. The professional services and value add-ons designed by us will accelerate your alumni engagement efforts setting your institution as a benchmark for others to be inspired by you.